The Resource Remedy

How antiracism resources represent a profoundly positive shift in the movement for racial justice

Aaron Mayer
3 min readJun 9, 2020

In the wake of the recent protests that followed the murder of George Floyd, I’ve noticed something online that you’ve probably noticed too.


If you’re on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube at all, you’ve almost definitely seen some of these resources floating around the internet in the past few weeks. If you haven’t, here you go!

These resources are usually compilations of books, articles, and podcasts to check out, lists of artists, activists, and poets to follow, and links of videos, plays, and movies to watch — all with the goal of edifying and making people more antiracist.

This is a fabulous milestone worthy of celebration.


Because access to resources is the first step towards education, and education is the most durable avenue towards social change.

There’s something that feels qualitatively different in this particular wave of protests as compared to other…

